Sunday 25 November 2007

AIDS denial in Asia: Dimensions and roots

Health Policy, Volume 84, Issues 2-3, December 2007, Pages 133-141

Binod Nepal ,(nepalbinod@....
National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling, University of
Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia

AIDS denial has long been viewed as the obstacle to forging effective
response in many Asian countries. This article examines the
dimensions and roots of this phenomenon. It identifies seven types of
views, attitudes, or tendencies that can be described as denial,
dissent, disagreements, or doubts.

Three major factors underlying the AIDS denial are discussed. These are (1)
historical impressions that STDs are Western diseases, (2) desire of some Asian
leaders to forge Eastern points of view, and (3) long-held negative image
towards the peoples or groups who happened to be at the front-line of the
population groups exposed to the epidemic. The third factor is the most
important source of denial.

AIDS denial is not a new and isolated phenomenon but the one shaped by the
global and historical institutions. Asian AIDS denial reflects the authoritarian
and moralist grievances arising from the perceived deterioration of traditional
moral order.

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Health Policy. Volume 84, Issues 2-3, December 2007, Pages 133-141

Copyright © 2007 Elsevier Ireland Ltd All rights reserved.

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